Hi! Nice to meet you 👋 my name is Helena and this is a short introduction to who I am! ☺️ > `Life is not about “finding yourself” but rather about creating yourself.` [From a very good friend (MP)] 📍Berlin, Germany > Passionate about: > i) Understand and improve complex biological systems*. > ii) Enhance positive development and well-being of humanity _Current focus:_ A deep understanding and editing of the building blocks of biological systems—**genes**. I believe in giving everyone equal starting opportunities, regardless of the genetic lottery. 💡 Through knowledge, education, and self-improvement, I focus on understanding humans (brain/mind and genes/epigenome) and the world (physics, universal theory of everything). I enjoy connecting interesting people and ideas, fostering rationality, good communication, and personalized, low-bias medicine (AG digital health, working at Years, classes AI in medicine). Studying medicine @Charité, Berlin. Scholar @[Studienstiftung des deutschen Volkes](https://www.studienstiftung.de/en/leitbild/). <aside> 💡 footnote : sorry it’s not perfect yet. but it’s ok (stoicism). </aside> ## **Current Challenges** • **Reading Challenge**: [10 days, 10 books](https://www.instagram.com/stories/highlights/17902381527018483/) • **Skill Development Challenge**: [10 skills in 10 days](https://publish.obsidian.md/helenarosengarten/Skills/10+things+I+want+to+learn), expanding to [[Learning Challenge]] (Learned about [[How to learn anything]], [[scientific thinking]] Building [[AI Agent]]s, [[cognitive behavioral therapy]] - sharing all my notes) More gene editing stuff: [[Gene therapy MASTER|gene editing]], [[CRISPR technologies for precise epigenome editing]]) ## What I like to do in my spare time: Learning, connecting with interesting people, cycling, cooking, debating ([Berlin Debate Union](https://debating.de/en)), and building positive medicine forums and aging research clinics [Years](https://years.co/) a. Once a year, I take a “think week” (inspired by [Bill Gates’ Think Week](https://medium.com/mind-cafe/bill-gates-think-week-practice-can-help-boost-your-creativity-and-focus-your-mind-43b8a881e303)) to reflect deeply. ### Core problems/ things to work on: • Most [Neglected risk factor in medicine](https://substack.com/@healthyyearsahead/p-146877706) # What I’ve Done So Far and How It Reflects My Values ## Commitment to Continuous Learning - Read over 200 books, tracking my journey on [Goodreads](https://www.goodreads.com/user/show/110890731). - Studied philosophy at HU Berlin, focusing on consciousness and critical thinking. - Selected for the **"Shaping Future Global Leaders"** Fellowship (be.boosted), honing skills in rhetoric, negotiation, and inclusive leadership. - Took on a [10-day reading challenge](https://www.instagram.com/stories/highlights/17902381527018483/), reading a book each day. ## Health and Well-being Initiatives - Working on healthspan research at [Years](https://years.co/), focusing on health and disease meta-hallmarks. - Developing a non-profit (Lemitree) to promote evidence-based well-being tactics. - Founded Positive Medicine Forum, a student initiative on health and well-being. - My MD thesis involved creating a CRISPR/Cas9 model of a rare neurological disease at [Harvard's Ebrahimi-Fakhari lab](https://www.notion.so/Me-38fd8f51523346e59fc1c4fcb95aba00?pvs=21). ## Knowledge Dissemination & Education - Involved in [TEDx HU Berlin](https://www.ted.com/about/programs-initiatives/tedx-program), spreading ideas and knowledge . - Presented at conferences and wrote on wearable devices in clinical use, focusing on personalized, low-bias medicine. ## Sustainability Efforts - Led a project on the textile sector’s value chain in Morocco, exploring sustainable alternatives, funded by the German Academic Scholarship Foundation and [Fashion Revolution](https://www.fashionrevolution.org/). - Organized clothes-swapping events at Charité, promoting sustainable actions. ## Community Engagement & Debate - Represented scholarship holders for the German Academic Scholarship Foundation (Studienstiftung des deutschen Volkes). - Active in [Berlin Debate Union](https://debating.de/en/bdu-frontpage), refining skills in critical thinking and debate. - Participated in Model United Nations (Harvard World MUN, London International MUN), focusing on inclusive leadership and rhetoric. ## Seeking Challenges & New Experiences - Biked 500km around Taiwan's bike route no. 1. - Traveled to: - Traveled to: China (Shanghai, Peking), India (New Delhi, Rishikesh, Himalaya), USA (Miami, Boston, LA, grand canyon, Everglades, Arizona, LA, SF, Washington, Philadelphia, Wyoming, Route 66, yellowstone), Lima, Cuzco, Machu Picchu, Paris, London, Südtirol, Barcelona, Malaga, complete south spain, Amsterdam, Rome, parts of Swiss, Milano, lago di garda, athens, instanbul, Ibiza, Mallorca, Vienna, Elsass, some greek island, Malta, Costa Rica, Morocco, Taiwan *Feel free to share any travel tips!* 😊 ## Get in touch! I love getting to know interesting human beings @[twitter](https://mobile.twitter.com/h_rosengarten2) @[linkedin](https://www.linkedin.com/in/helena-rosengarten-669a39197/) # More ## Favorite Books: - [**Thinking, Fast and Slow](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Thinking,_Fast_and_Slow) -** Kahnemann - Homo Deus - Harari - Faust - Goethe - Der Gute mensch von Sezuan - Brecht - Outlive - Science of Longevity - Petter attia - Narziss und Goldmund - Hesse - [Algorithms to Live By: The Computer Science of Human Decisions](https://www.goodreads.com/book/show/25666050-algorithms-to-live-by) ## Favorite Art: Lee Ufan (checkout some of his [work](http://www.artnet.de/k%C3%BCnstler/lee-ufan/)) [Paul Signac](https://g.co/kgs/qPnpCF) - pointillism ## Favorite Movies: - Interstellar (Christopher Nolan)